360 You: A 21 Day Ritual
Round 1 Launched 1/11
This space is meant to serve you mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually — the 360 you.
It’s a simple program that’s meant to easily integrate into your everyday life. If you are feeling stagnant in any area of life this process will help you ID the stuckness, uncover deeper blockages that may be creating & perpetuating it, and shift the energy at the root through a series of modalities that I’ve learned which empowers internal and external growth - individually and collectively.
The 21 days are broken up into 4 sections - Excavation, Clearing, Integration & Embodiment. Everything takes place inside a WhatsApp group. I will drop a short video in there each morning and a short voice memo each afternoon. You will receive a short video in the morning (1-3 minutes) and a 1 minute afternoon check-in audio every afternoon that supports with practical application and a simple image on day 1 of each section that outlines the tools in focus for that category. Each day there is a daily theme, a meditation suggestion, a journal prompt, a self-reminder, and an action you can take.
While the first phase begins more structured, you will be strategically guided to tune into your own navigation system to shift stagnant energies so you finish this program with a toolkit that you can access anytime and know how to confidently choose what you need quickly in any given moment to move forward unattached to blocks and from a state of inner peace.
This is a pre-recorded, longer (11iish min) sample video of day 1 intro video so you can get a sense of whether or not this experience is right for you.
Self-paced post purchase. All content is accessible at once with a visual guide to support your pacing.
Round 1 Testimonials:
“Stefaniii! Hello hello Apologies for just touching base. I’ve been following along with the 360 You but have been a day or two behind. I’m finally caught up and WOW there are SO many profound truths in each and every video and share. I’ve truly enjoyed this so much and feel like I’ve grown immensely I was reviewing some of the videos and noticed that some have been deleted. Is there anyway to review the past videos that were sent via Dropbox? Honestly, there was so much wisdom shared and actions to be implemented, I’m thinking of doing it all over again starting 2/1 to really make sure the info sinks in. I’m truly so grateful to have connected with you and this divine offering. I also believe we are exactly where we need to be and that everything is working out for us️. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for tomorrow and I’m sending you so much love and gratitude for these last three weeks!” - Alison (day 20)
“LOVED today’s practice! Wow, I’ve been blocked with candles and not even wanting to admit it b/c I feel guilty about having a block. So helpful to name it, get deep into the why, ask to receive and picture the other side. SO helpful already. Thank you! / “I literally went on a walk and SKIPPED after todays video! Without even realizing it- totally changed my energy. It’s not about always pushing pushing pushing… taking the time to look at things and create space - and FILL UP - is really helping. Thanks!” Kate (Day 1 & 2)
“I loved how you talked about “letting go and let your intuition guide you” in the past couple of days. I took your advice and I decided, for one moment, what it would be like to just let go off all the crazy wild visions I have for 2024 that I don’t have any control over, and instead just need to put myself out there (which I honestly can control), so I can be clearly seen by any opportunities that align with my heart, time and process. Lo and behold, not even 24 hours have passed, a producer from Ryan Seacrest, KIIS FM reached out to do a segment on me. And it’s because I posted my ABC feature on my Instagram and forwarded it to folks, which was also a result of me doing a pop-up market. The domino effect is real and so magical. Let go, and let it flow!” - Riji (day 7)
“OMG the first video is SO good and SO you!!! I just did the journal prompts and am so excited about what I’m going to excavate through the 360 you! Already feeling like I’m ID-ing outdated stories that need to be undone. You sounded so comfortable and I love how you tie in the brand building to the self-building — well said!” - Tori (day 1)
“Great stuff so far! Reminds me of Greek Amor Fati” - Matt (day 4)
Day 10: Repositioning Perfectionism and Guilt