Lessons from Brazil

I’ve been back from Brazil for two days and the recalibration has been a thing!

I’ve smoked weed before 6am the past two mornings to pull me up a little. Thank God my natural baseline is generally positive and happy - but not gonna lie, things feel slightly unsettling. The energy feels heavy! For all of us. For obvious reasons, yes I know. Exploring deeper - I keep asking, is it because I was on vacation? is it LA? Was it Brazil? Is it the human journey?

I landed on: All Of The Above. It’s easy to feel free on vacation and less free when you come back to the day-to-day responsibilities of life. LA definitely has a hustle and grind to it that feels like a lot when you’re choosing to actively lean back. Brazil is beautiful and as Zach Brown’s dad Ike put it so perfectly, “These people really know how to live!”

That’s the truth! This culture is rooted in love, and you know how I feel about that :) I get there’s tension and divide - LIKE EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD. But all I felt was love! From everyone. All the time. Brazilians seem to know how to really savor the moment. Sink into it. Breathe. Be. Play. Enjoy. They also know how to fucking party. There is music and dancing everywhere, for hours and hours it never ends, and it’s AMMMAAAZZZIIINNNGGGGG. The people in Brazil inspire me SO MUCH! And to the women I got to know, you are all beautiful angels who adjust other people’s crowns, take care of everyone, keep giving love, are so creative, really fun and cool as shit. Namaste :)

P.S Even if you’re not Brazilian and we spent time together anywhere in Brazil this trip, this all applies to you too! The coming together of great people on this adventure was right on — it was all love :)

Since I’ve been home, in the wobbly moments when I “Wish I was still on vacation,” I remind myself to bring the vacation to me. I ask myself to understand the feeling that I’m looking for. Then I pick a lessons from Brazil and integrate it wherever I am right now. I guess that’s the point, as Peter Evans quoted Jon Kabat-Zinn yesterday, “Wherever you go, there you are.” And that is one of my greatest gifts from this trip, a renewed understanding of real presence and how to be there.

With that - here are my favorite takeaways from Stef’s Brazil Adventure 2022:

Brazil Vinaigrette YUM - olive oil w chopped basil and kalamatas (tomatoes)

Everything is beautiful

Joy and fulfillment is in this moment

Need less

Go with the flow


Real connection x sovereignty (alone together)

Generosity with resources - there is always enough

So many angel numbers: 222’s, 5555 (1010), 333, 7s

Queens and crowns - High Empress Energy

Allowing support

Strong healthy boundaries

Freeing and channeling emotions productively







Raw energy

Space is good

Union of self



Self love and acceptance

Alignment w me



I get to choose to think and believe whatever I want. I get to choose



Fulfillment from within

Honoring the still small quiet voice

Trusting my intuition



Gratitude for it all

Divine devotion

Embrace the unknown

Stop overthinking

Learn more of the language before travel next time

Nothing wrong with feeling exactly how you feel and honoring anything and everything that comes up with compassion and love - without trying to fix it. Simply supporting and nourishing it with love to soothe it while allowing it to be freely present and smiling at it with love. That’s freedom

Homestretch is where the work begins

It’s allllll good. You don’t have to be anywhere that you’re not. Here is perfect. Breathe. You’re enough. You’re worthy. And you’re safe. Truly. Go within and get what you need

See the fear. Allow it. Meet it with love and then choose love.

Fuck the insecurity

Stay in it. Vulnerability is good

Reminder: It’s safe to always listen to and trust myself

The root is choosing unconditional self love and radical self acceptance.

Celebrate everything

Slow down there’s absolutely no rush

The Brazilian Queen

Inner compass

Feel the flow and go with it, let it guide you